File Bankruptcy

File Bankruptcy this New Years

File Bankruptcy

Are you in Credit card debt and are looking to start fresh this New Years? If you are being garnished, have medical bills, can’t pay your bills then this New Years may be the time to Start Fresh and file bankruptcy.

Often times people with debt usually can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are usually strapped penny to penny each week and don’t know how they will get out of debt. Usually, people will try to go to a debt consolidation company first because they think it is “cheaper”. For many, however, have usually strapped puts them back into the same position they were already in.

Getting out of debt this New Years may be a good resolution and speaking with an experienced bankruptcy attorney may be an even better resolution. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will be able to go over your situation and help you decide which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you. They can also explain to you about the different bankruptcy exemptions you may be entitled to so that you can file for bankruptcy and still keep some of your assets.

Many people who file bankruptcy think that their life is over and this is the end. Fortunately, this is simply just not true. This New Years you can start  the year fresh by filing for bankruptcy and getting yourself out of debt. Many people who don’t file are not able to save, keep drowning in debt and continue to see a decrease in their credit score. Some people even end up with garnishments, repossessions, and judgments against them. A bankruptcy will help you get rid of these things.

Moreover, your life is NOT OVER because you are filing bankruptcy. It is the beginning of a fresh start and a new chapter. In some cases I even see credit scores increase immediately after filing for bankruptcy. If someone tells you that you won’t be able to buy a house, get a car, or have a credit card again that is simply not true. The government does not allow you to file bankruptcy so that the rest of your life will be ruined. The government allows bankruptcy to be used as a tool to help you get back on your feet.

Yes, it is true that a bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for ten years. However, you can have perfect credit within two years if you continue to pay your credit cards on time. You will also be offered secured credit cards right after your bankruptcy and you will probably be able to take out another car loan within 6 months to  year after. Some dealerships even allow you to buy a car immediately after.

If your new years resolution is to get out of debt then bankruptcy may be the best option for you. It is important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer that can go over your options. Karra L. Kingston is a leading bankruptcy attorney in New York and New Jersey. Call today to set up a free consultation to see if bankruptcy is the right option for you.