Finding a Good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are reading this you are probably wondering why you should hire a Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney. There are many reasons why you should hire a bankruptcy attorney and why filing for bankruptcy should not be done on your own.

Why Should I Hire A Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney to Help Me?

First, a good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney will usually meet with you and give you a free consultation.

During this free consultation the bankruptcy attorney will go over the different chapter of bankruptcy with you to determine whether you should file a Chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Second, A good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney will go through the exemptions with you.

Bankruptcy Exemptions can be very confusing. Bankruptcy Exemptions are vital to ensuring that your property is kept safe from creditors. Any property that is not exempt can be sold to pay off your debts .

You may be wondering what happens if you have a house or a car.

A good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney will be able to help you determine whether you can keep your assets. Doing this by yourself can get extremely complicated.

Third, a good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney will be able to prepare you for the types of questions they will ask you in court.

Many times people don’t realize that they do have to go to court and testify under oath. During that court appearance a trustee, who represents your creditors will ask you many questions regarding your petition. A good bankruptcy attorney will have an idea of what types of questions the trustee will ask you.

Lastly, a good Staten Island Bankruptcy will be able to keep you informed of all of the processes.

They will ensure that all of your paperwork is submitted to the court and the trustee properly. They will make sure if there is any further questions that the trustee has they will provide the proper responses or paperwork on your behalf.

Finding a Caring Bankruptcy Attorney

Finding a good Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney who actually cares is hard. Look at google reviews or ask friends and family. Karra L. Kingston is an experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys. Call to find out more information about filing bankruptcy and how we can help you. Karra L. Kingston Esq. truly cares and makes themselves available on weekends and week days to accommodate clients schedules.