How Much Does Filing Bankruptcy Cost?

If you have found yourself not being able to pay your bills you are probably thinking to yourself how am I going to be able to hire a bankruptCost of filing bankruptcycy lawyer and what are the fees involved? The fees associated with filing bankruptcy depend on which chapter of bankruptcy you file. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy, usually entails more work and thus, is usually more costly. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy, is the fastest bankruptcy and usually less expensive. Paying a bankruptcy lawyer to help you with your case, can seem expensive. However, bankruptcy lawyers are qualified to handle these types of cases and have handled numerous types of bankruptcy cases. It is important to note, there is no automatic right to a bankruptcy discharge. This means that your bankruptcy can be denied. If you don’t follow the directions properly, use the wrong exemptions, fail to list your property, or lie you run the risk of having your bankruptcy dismissed or denied. A bankruptcy lawyer can help prepare you for the questions that you will be asked in Court. Every person filing bankruptcy must attend a Court hearing where they will be questioned under oath. Most bankruptcy lawyers have been to there hearings numerous times and are familiar with the types of questions that you will be asked. Our bankruptcy lawyers will review your case to determine how much the fees are. The cost of filing bankruptcy depends on how much debt you have, your assets and what chapter you will need to file. Our attorneys are ready to help you file bankruptcy today.

What Kinds Of Fees Are Involved During Bankruptcy

When you file for bankruptcy, there are generally three types of fees that you will be required to pay when filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy: The filing fee, the counseling course fees, and the attorney’s fees. The filing fees are paid directly to the Court once all of your paperwork has been completed. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the filing fee is $335. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the filing fees are $310. There are also two counseling courses that you will need to take. When you meet with your attorney they will go over in detail, where to take the courses. Most counseling courses cost anywhere from $10-$25 each.

Filing bankruptcy can help save your home from foreclosure, stop a wage garnishment, stop a creditor from suing you after your vehicle has been repossessed, stop a bank levy, stop credit card collections from suing you and help you get back on your feet. Many people worry about the costs associated with filing bankruptcy and hiring an attorney. Our law firm can speak with you about different payment options. The cost of an attorney or filing bankruptcy should not prevent you from filing for bankruptcy. We understand this is a stressful time and we work with all of our clients to help them pay the fees associated with filing for bankruptcy. Call our office today so that we can help you with your bankruptcy.

Learn More About Filing Bankruptcy