Filing for Bankruptcy in 2019

Filing for bankruptcy in 2019 may seem like a really hard decision. Of course, no one wants to actually file for bankruptcy but sometimes it is a must. Many people are scared when they hear the word bankruptcy and think that their life is over. As a bankruptcy attorney I spend most of my days trying to explain to people that bankruptcy is not the worst decision in the world and it certainly does not mean that if you file for bankruptcy your life is ruined forever.

 Bankruptcy is a tool that helps people to regain control of their life more specifically their finances. There are thousands of people that file bankruptcy each year to help them get on their feet. I see clients from all walks of life and most of the time they all tell me “I never wanted to be here” or “I never thought I would be here.” I see people who once made millions of dollars and lost it all due to gambling, drinking or the stock market. I also see people who once made really good money but then unforeseen circumstances caused them to get into financial troubles because they got laid off from their jobs. Some of my clients became sick causing a pile up of medical bills and an absence from work. While others wanted to become entrepreneurs, took a risk and failed. 

Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult decision but it certainly is not the end of your life. Filing for bankruptcy should be looked at as the beginning to a fresh start.

Why Should I File Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy might be the right option for you to get out of debt. Many people try to avoid bankruptcy at all costs, They believe that if they file for bankruptcy their life is over This is simply not true. Put it this way if you are riddled with $20,000 dollars of debt and your credit score is already low and you can’t pay that off then it makes no sense to continue to carry around this debt. A better option would be to file bankruptcy, start fresh and you can begin rebuilding your credit and saving your money. Filing for bankruptcy does not mean your credit is ruined forever. What credit repair agencies and debt consolidation companies fail to tell you is that you can have your credit score back up to perfect within three months of filing bankruptcy. Moreover, credit card companies will begin sending you credit cards in the mail as soon as the bankruptcy is over.

How Do I know if I Qualify for Bankruptcy?

The best way to find out if you qualify for bankruptcy is to sit down and speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer can go over all of your options and help you determine whether bankruptcy is the best option for you. Many times I am in court and I see people who show up to the meeting of creditors with no paperwork and no petition. Trusteed sometimes can get aggravated because it takes up their time trying to explain the rules of the court. It is a better idea to hire an attorney who can properly represent you if you are thinking about filing bankruptcy rather than doing it yourself. There are certain exemptions in both New York and New Jersey that you may not be aware of. Also, lying on a bankruptcy petition or forgetting to properly list something can be a federal crime. I always advise everyone to sit with a bankruptcy attorney before filing bankruptcy on your own.

How Do I know If My bankruptcy attorney is good?

Most times people are scared to hire a bankruptcy attorney because they think that the bankruptcy attorney may steal their money or not file their case. If you are worried about this age first thing to do is to do research. First, find a bankruptcy attorney that specializes in this area of law. Would you hire a divorce attorney to represent you in criminal court? probably not. The same should be applied here. Also, you can always asks friends, relatives, and search for reviews online.

Speak with a lawyer to help you get out of debt

If you are thinking of filing bankruptcy contact Karra L. Kingston Esq. she is a bankruptcy attorney that speaks Spanish fluently. She has helped numerous debtors get out of debt. Call today for a free consultation.