How to Get a Free Bankruptcy Consultation in New Jersey

Where Do I go to Get a Free Bankruptcy Consultation in New Jersey?


If you are looking to get a free consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer in New Jersey you have many options. Many New Jersey bankruptcy lawyers give free consultations. Karra L. Kingston Esq. is a bankruptcy lawyer in New Jersey that gives free consultations.

The section below can help you think of places to start when you need to get a free bankruptcy consultation.


Bankruptcy Attorney

If you can afford to pay an attorney, it’s probably a good idea to hire one that you feel comfortable with. A bankruptcy consultation is free and easy. Hiring a bankruptcy lawyer can help move along the process. A bankruptcy attorney, will help you get through the entire bankruptcy process: the paperwork, filing, your 341 meeting, and discharge.

New Jersey bankruptcy attorneys are familiar with the process. Having a  bankruptcy attorney can help  answer any questions that come up and can also help you if anything unexpected or complicated comes up.

Although bankruptcy attorneys can be very helpful, many low-income Americans simply can’t afford an attorney. Bankruptcy attorneys are expensive. Karra L. Kingston Esq. understands that many people who are struggling financially but need help can’t afford a lawyer. The good news is that there are payment plans that can be made to help make the process easier.

What to Ask a New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer


Whether or not you decide to file for bankruptcy, it will be important to have a strong understanding of the process, meeting and speaking with a New Jersey bankruptcy lawyer can be helpful to ensure that you get the right information. Many times people come to our office and read a lot of things online that simply are not true. Many people often assume that bankruptcy means their life if over and if they file for bankruptcy everything will be taken away. It is important to understand that you should not fear the process of filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy laws were enacted to help individuals start over.

If you discuss the following questions during your consultation, you can feel confident that you are making an informed decision that will help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible.

Bankruptcy Consultation in New Jersey?

Karra L. Kingston Esq can help you file bankruptcy.  

 Legal Assistance for Union Workers

Karra L. Kingston has helped many union workers in the past. If you’re part of a worker’s union, one of your benefits may be free legal assistance or a free bankruptcy consultation from a local law firm. Our law firm has worked with some union worker’s to help them file for bankruptcy.

A free bankruptcy consultation can help clear up any questions that you have about what the process involves and whether it’s the right move for you. Karra L. Kingston Esq. will sit down and evaluate your situation to help you decide if bankruptcy is the right option for you.

Whether or not you decide to file for bankruptcy, it will be important to have a strong understanding of the process, the benefits, and the overall impact it can have on your situation.

1. What Is Bankruptcy in New Jersey?

At the initial bankruptcy consultation, you should be able to understand what bankruptcy is.

Bankruptcy is a tool that allows individuals to start over. Many people that are in debt can use bankruptcy to help them eliminate their debt and get a fresh start.

Many individuals facing significant debt and financial struggles often consider bankruptcy as a solution. This typically entails enduring numerous calls from creditors, the looming threat of repossession, potential utility disconnections, or even wage garnishments.

Bankruptcy encompasses various options known as “chapters,” and determining the most suitable one usually requires a free bankruptcy consultation. Among the most common chapters for individuals grappling with debt are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

Chapter 7, the prevalent choice, is typically advantageous for individuals without substantial assets like expensive homes or vehicles. It enables the discharge of most consumer debts within a relatively short period, typically spanning from 3 to 6 months.

On the other hand, Chapter 13 is often preferable for those aiming to retain valuable assets such as homes, or for individuals confident in their ability to repay debts but require an extended timeline to do so.

Securing a free bankruptcy consultation is essential for comprehending the disparities between these chapters and selecting the most suitable option tailored to individual circumstances.

For many individuals, Chapter 7 often emerges as the preferred route forward.

2. Is Filing Bankruptcy  Right for you?

Once you grasp the concept and purpose of bankruptcy, your next step is to leverage your complimentary bankruptcy consultation to determine whether filing is the right course of action for you.

Typically, individuals fall into one of three categories: those who should proceed with bankruptcy immediately, those who might benefit from postponing their filing for a period, and those for whom Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing may not be advisable. Utilizing a free bankruptcy consultation will assist you in identifying the category that best suits your circumstances.

Who might want to file for Bankruptcy. . .

The decision to file for bankruptcy is often made by individuals facing overwhelming debt and financial hardship. Here are some common scenarios in which individuals may consider filing for bankruptcy:

  1. Unmanageable Debt: When individuals find themselves unable to keep up with payments on various debts such as credit cards, medical bills, loans, or mortgages due to financial setbacks like job loss, reduced income, or unexpected expenses.
  2. Threat of Foreclosure or Repossession: When individuals risk losing their homes to foreclosure or other assets like vehicles to repossession due to unpaid debts.
  3. Constant Harassment by Creditors: When individuals are constantly harassed by creditors through phone calls, letters, or other means, demanding repayment of debts.
  4. Wage Garnishment: When individuals face wage garnishment, wherein a portion of their earnings is withheld by creditors to satisfy outstanding debts.
  5. Legal Actions: When individuals are faced with lawsuits or legal actions by creditors seeking repayment of debts.
  6. Inability to Afford Basic Necessities: When individuals struggle to afford basic necessities such as food, housing, or utilities due to overwhelming debt obligations.
  7. No Realistic Repayment Plan: When individuals have explored other debt relief options such as debt consolidation or negotiation but find that they are not viable or sustainable solutions.

It’s important to note that the decision to file for bankruptcy should be carefully considered, and individuals should consult with financial advisors or bankruptcy attorneys to understand the potential consequences and explore all available options before proceeding.

Who might want to wait. . .

Some people decide to wait to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they think you might take on more debt in the near future. If you’re expecting a big debt, like medical bills for an ongoing illness you’d want to wait to include that on your paperwork. Filing at the right time helps make sure you get as much relief as possible. Take a moment during your free bankruptcy consultation to ask if waiting could make sense.

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy in New Jersey, contact our office for a free consultation.