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How is a Joint Account holder or authorized user impacted if I File bankruptcy

What Happens To an Authorized User Or Joint Account Holder in Bankruptcy?

If you are in financial trouble, you may be thinking about filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a tool that can help individuals eliminate their debt. There are two types of bankruptcy that individuals can file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both chapters of bankruptcy give individuals ways to get back on the right financial …

What Happens To an Authorized User Or Joint Account Holder in Bankruptcy? Read More »

Is Filing Bankruptcy a Good Decision?

If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, you are probably struggling to pay your debts and are wondering if “filing bankruptcy is a good decision?” Filing bankruptcy can give you room to breathe and help get you out of a financial disaster. 

Debt Collectors Can Garnish Your Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

When signing the CARES Act into law, Congress left out protections for the most vulnerable individuals who are already in debt. Congress failed to provide any protection against debt collectors. Thus, individuals who owe money for past debts will be at risk to debt collectors looking to garnish their stimulus checks. 

Loan Modification

If you are behind on your mortgage payments and are looking to save your Staten Island Real Estate from foreclosure, you may be contemplating doing a loan modification. A loan modification is a special program that banks offer to help individuals with their mortgage payments. 

What Can a Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer Do For Me?

If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Staten Island, you may be wondering “what can a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer do for me?” Being behind on bills can be extremely stressful. If you are in a financial rut and considering filing bankruptcy, it’s natural to wonder if you should hire a bankruptcy lawyer to help you. You may think that by not hiring a bankruptcy lawyer to help you, you will be saving money. This is a costly mistake and can cause you an even bigger financial hardship. Hiring a bankruptcy lawyer to help you file your Staten Island bankruptcy can save you a lot of hassle and stress by ensuring that your case is handled properly.