Debt Relief

secured debt

What is a Secured Debt in Bankruptcy?

When you take out a loan on your property as collateral to ensure your creditor will be paid back, you have a secured debt. Secured debt gives the creditor an interest in the piece of property. For example, a mortgage loan or car loan is an example of a secured debt. When you go to the dealership to take out a loan on a vehicle, they give you the vehicle as long as you pay off the loan.

Filing Bankruptcy Impact Credit Score in Chapter 7


What documents or forms do I need to file bankruptcy. A New York bankruptcy lawyer can help you file for bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Staten Island

The bankruptcy Means Test in New York allows only people who are under a certain income limit and truly need the relief of a Chapter 7 to file. To pass the Chapter 7 Means Test, you must fall under the median income for a household of the same size in New York.

Debt Collector

How Can I Get Rid of My Debt?

If you are looking for ways to get out of debt consider filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can eliminate your debt and help you start over.