How is a Joint Account holder or authorized user impacted if I File bankruptcy

Credit Card Company Suing Me

If you are googling the words “credit card company suing me” then you have probably come to the right place. You have probably recently received a lawsuit in the mail that you are being sued and that you have a certain amount of time to answer the lawsuit otherwise a judgment will be entered against you. If this is your situation the first thing to do is to stay calm and not panic. No one ever gets anything done when they are in a panic. 

The next thing you should do is read over the papers carefully. Find out who is suing you and how much time you have to answer the complaint. Once you have figured these two things out it is time to ask yourself “who can help when a credit card company is suing me?” The answer to this question is an attorney. A bankruptcy or consumer law attorney can help you if a credit card company is suing you. 

The first thing you should do is find a reputable attorney that can help you in court. Look at reviews online or ask friends/ relatives. A reputable bankruptcy attorney or consumer law attorney will be able to review your situation and help you decide what your next options are. 

Many times when people call me they are shocked to see that their credit card companies from 10- 15 years ago are now commencing a lawsuit against them. Unfortunately, the old saying that your past will come back to haunt you is true when it comes to debt collectors. Most times these companies don’t forget.

It is also important to make sure that you take action. If you do not answer a lawsuit then the credit card company can obtain a judgment against you. A judgment can be used to garnish your wages, Levy your bank account and put a lien on your property such as your home. Answering the lawsuit will allow you to come up with a defense as to why you failed to pay the lawsuit. It is also much harder to get the company to negotiate with you once they have a judgment against you. 

If this isn’t your only debt then in some instances a bankruptcy attorney may be someone you should speak to. A bankruptcy attorney can review your judgments and your credit card debt and help you determine whether bankruptcy may be the right option for you. If you decide to file for bankruptcy it is important to understand that the creditor will no longer be able to garnish your wages or go after you. If a judgment was entered against you then filing for bankruptcy will help eliminate your judgment. Keep in mind that if a lien was placed on any of your property there are more steps involved to removed the lien. 

Karra L. Kingsron is an experienced New York and New Jersey Attorney. Contact her today for a free consultation.