If you are having difficulties with finances and have credit card debt, personal loans or are facing foreclosure and are considering debt consolidation or bankruptcy, you should consider hiring a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer. Of course for those who are in a financial rut or on the verge of financial ruin, coming up with extra funds to pay a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer can be difficult. It is important to note that many Staten Island bankruptcy law firms offer payment plans that can help you. Sometimes friends or family may also be able to help you depending on your situation. Further, bonuses from a job or a tax return check in some cases may also be used to pay for your bankruptcy lawyer fees. Despite the shortage of money, it is often best to still consider at least consulting with a bankruptcy lawyer before you begin the process.
What is the Purpose of A Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer?
The main purpose of a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer is to help an individual go through the legal procedures for filing bankruptcy. A good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer will meet with you and assess your situation. They will help you decide if Bankruptcy is the right option for you or if a different option may be better for you. Lawyers are meant to help deal with creditors, meet with the court systems to set up payment plans or repayment programs, gather together and liquidate assets, and fill out and file necessary paperwork. This includes helping you fill out a bankruptcy petition to ensure that everything listed is true and correct.
Do I have to Have hire a Bankruptcy lawyer?
In most state and county legal systems, you are not required to have a bankruptcy lawyer for the legal proceedings. This does not always mean it is wise to file bankruptcy without a bankruptcy lawyer. Unless the court case would be easily cut and dry or you already know a great deal about the legal system in this case, a bankruptcy lawyer can help from becoming overwhelmed with the legalities of the system. It is important to note that bankruptcy is federal. Lying on a bankruptcy petition or omitting any information is illegal and can be seen as you committing a federal crime.
What Can A Bankruptcy Lawyer do To Help Me?
From the start, a good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer should help you to determine which chapter of bankruptcy to file and will offer sound reasons why. If you don’t know anything about the different chapters, this is an excellent reason to begin consulting a lawyer. Also, it is important to do your research before hand so that you get somewhat of an idea what the different Bankruptcy chapters are. Many Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyers will even offer a free consultation where you can simply claim the advice and move on to take care of the remainder of the case yourself. Often, though, lawyers will charge by visit or by activity, such as appearing at the courthouse or filing paperwork.
As I mentioned earlier, it is probably best you do hire a Bankruptcy Attorney or atleast speak to one before trying to do it yourself.
Make Sure to Find a Lawyer that Specializes in Filing Bankruptcy in Staten Island
Keep in mind that not all Staten Island bankruptcy lawyers specialize in the same type of cases, so it is important to find a lawyer who can help you with the type of financial difficulties you are having. Some bankruptcy lawyers work specifically with businesses, while others work solely with individuals. Having a good experience with your lawyer will undoubtedly include finding someone knowledgeable in the areas you need expertise.
Knowledgable Bankruptcy Lawyer
Another excellent reason to consider hiring a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer is simply to have someone knowledgeable who can help guide you through the paperwork process. In bankruptcy cases the paperwork is the most overwhelming aspect and more often than not, bankruptcy lawyers will actually fill out and file all of the paperwork for you. This takes away the burden of dealing with paperwork in the middle of a financially and emotionally straining time. Moreover, a good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer will have insight into the type of questions you will be asked at court. They will be able to prepare you for the questions the trustee will ask you so that you are not nervous when you are being questioned under oath.
Staten Island Debt Negotiation
Additionally, a Staten Island bankruptcy attorney will be able to sometimes negotiate your debt for you with a creditor. They also know what documents need to be sent to the trustee which takes the burden off of you.
If you decide that hiring a bankruptcy lawyer is right for you take advantage of technology and research cases in your area to see which bankruptcy lawyers most often represent individuals or businesses. Google and Yelp are great places to look for reviews of different law firms. Also, ask family and friends if they can recommend someone for you.
If you are considering filing bankruptcy call Karra L. Kingston Esq.. We can review your situation and help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you. Call us today for a free consultation or fill out our form online.