Many people who are struggling to pay their credit card debt, personal loans or medical bills often try to find local bankruptcy lawyers to speak with them. Many times individuals who are looking for a bankruptcy lawyers in New Jersey or bankruptcy lawyers in Staten Island, always want to speak with a local lawyer to be reassured that if they decide go forward with filing bankruptcy, their life won’t be ruined forever. As a New Jersey bankruptcy lawyer and Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer, that files many bankruptcy cases, I can tell you first hand, that life after bankruptcy for most is a lot better than what it was before they filed.
Will I Be Able to Get Credit Again If I File Bankruptcy?
One of the most asked questions we get is “Will I be able to get credit again if I file bankruptcy?” Fortunately, the asnwer is yes. Many individuals read information from debt settlement companies online that say that if you file bankruptcy, you won’t ever be able to get credit again. This is completely false. Most of our bankruptcy clients extend credit as soon as our client receives a bankruptcy discharge. Filing bankruptcy will not ruin your life forever. Mortgage lenders, motorvehicle lenders, and credit card companies will not automatically not lend credit because you filed bankruptcy. Bankruptcy laws were enacted to help individuals who needed a fresh financial start. The very purpose of bankruptcy is to allow people to get back ontheir feet. Thus, filing bankruptcy can be a great step in the right direction.
When individuals file bankruptcy often times their credit score goes up. This is because credit bureaus take into consideration debt to income ratio. After a bankruptcy is filed an individual has no debt. Thus, credit scores in some scenerios actually increase after filing bankruptcy.